Barbra Streisand Women's Heart Center


Sharing Knowledge, Changing Lives

Although word is getting out about the deadly risks of women’s heart disease, millions of women are still in jeopardy. The Barbra Streisand Women’s Heart Center provides women and medical professionals with cutting-edge knowledge that can save lives. Mothers. Sisters. Wives. Daughters. Friends.

Prevention is essential

At least 80 percent of women ages 40–60 have one or more chief risk factors for heart disease—high blood pressure, high cholesterol, excess weight, physical inactivity, diabetes, and smoking. Shockingly, so do 60 percent of women ages 20–39.

The Center’s expert team of physicians, nurse practitioners, dieticians, and exercise physiologists are teaching women how to recognize signs of heart disease, when to seek help, and how to maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle.

Sharing discoveries

Our Women’s Heart Clinic is dedicated to the special challenges that women at higher risk for heart disease face.

Physician education

We are committed to giving physicians access to the latest research in women’s cardiac care. We regularly publish and present leading-edge findings from Cedars-Sinai laboratories and clinics. At the same time, we are busy training tomorrow’s doctors.