The Heart Foundation
Founded: 1996
Who we are: The Heart Foundation was established by friends and family of Steven S. Cohen, an incredible husband, father, son, brother and friend who lost his life to sudden cardiac death at the age of 35. Joined by many others who have been touched by this silent killer, we are passionately committed to saving lives in the present and eliminating heart disease for future generations.
Our purpose: Our mission is to eradicate heart disease by educating the public, promoting early detection, and supporting the research of P.K. Shah, MD, director of the Oppenheimer Atherosclerosis Research Center and the Atherosclerosis Prevention and Treatment Center at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, and holder of the Shapell and Webb Family Chair in Clinical Cardiology.
Accomplishments: We have raised funds for research on tissue engineering to create a bio-artificial artery, the use of peritoneal stem cells to recreate tissues, gene-based therapy for the prevention and reversal of arterial plaque, and a study of the role the immune system plays in atherosclerosis.
What’s next: No one should suffer Steve’s fate, so we are committed to supporting research for a vaccine to protect arteries from plaque build-up.
Learn more: Visit or call 818-865-1100.